Partner With Us
Life is moving at such a fast pace these days. We live in an age of "hurry"; each day is filled with a long list of things to accomplish. It seems almost everything is at our disposal with the click of a button. Time with Jesus often gets squeezed out; when we do spend time with Him we are distracted or exhausted. What if you could leave everything behind for a few days and settle into a quiet place in the midst of God's beautiful creation?
God's call on our hearts is to provide a place for people to step away from the busyness of everyday life to be refreshed and renewed in their relationship with Him. Our prayer is that all who come will be still, listen to His voice and find peace and rest.
We do this through providing and hosting various retreats throughout the year. Our desire is to keep the cost affordable so that anyone is able to attend. This is made possible because of the Lord's provision through the generosity of others.
Would you prayerfully consider supporting Spacious Place Ministries, Inc. as we serve the Lord and pursue His heart for this ministry?